1,608 research outputs found

    Energy Model of Networks-on-Chip and a Bus

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    A Network-on-Chip (NoC) is an energy-efficient onchip communication architecture for Multi-Processor Systemon-Chip (MPSoC) architectures. In earlier papers we proposed two Network-on-Chip architectures based on packet-switching and circuit-switching. In this paper we derive an energy model for both NoC architectures to predict their energy consumption per transported bit. Both architectures are also compared with a traditional bus architecture. The energy model is primarily needed to find a near optimal run-time mapping (from an energy point of view) of inter-process communication to NoC link

    Subjektive und objektive Lebenslagen von Arbeitslosen

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    Das Diskussionspapier thematisiert die objektive und subjektive Lebenslage von Arbeitslosen in Deutschland im Vergleich zur Gesamtbevölkerung. Die Ergebnisse indizieren eine deutlich schlechtere materielle, d. h. objektive Lebenslage der Arbeitslosen. Dies reflektiert sich in den auf Wohlstandskategorien bezogenen subjektivenIndikatoren, weniger aber in den Bewertungen immaterieller Wohlfahrtskategorien. Hier scheint vor allem der Familienzusammenhang als sozialer Rückhalt von Relevanz zu sein. Gegenüber den aktuellen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Instrumenten - insbesondere gegenüber "Hartz IV" - scheinen in der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung teilweise deutliche Vorbehalte zu existieren.Life-satisfaction, satisfaction in domains of life, unemployment

    Wohlstandspolarisierung, Verteilungskonflikte und Ungleichheitswahrnehmungen in Deutschland

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    The connections between the polarization of living conditions, social conflicts concerning the distribution of resources and the perception of social inequality in Germany will be picked out as a central theme. By means of empirical findings it becomes clear that the degree of inequality and polarization with respect to the living conditions - both measured by the wellbeing indicator income - has increased in the Federal Republic of Germany during the recent past. This is accompanied by the fact that the perceived intensity of the socially especially important conflict between the poor and the rich has grown not only slightly. In this connection particularly for the disadvantaged groups - and beneath this in a pronounced manner for the (permanently) unemployed persons - there is a relatively high potential of dissatisfaction. Thisincludes some dangers for the democracy and the social stability in Germany although in an EU-27 perspective - at least in Western Germany - these dangers are rather ranked to a middle level which means that in this international relativity only a middle level of danger is indicated for (Western) Germany.Life-satisfaction, satisfaction with democracy

    3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7598)

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    This manuscript includes recent scientific work regarding the Intel Single Chip Cloud computer and describes approaches for novel approaches for programming and run-time organization

    Still doing fine? The interplay of negative life events and self-esteem during young adulthood

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    This longitudinal study investigated the bidirectional relationship between negative life events and self-esteem during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood (N = 2272). Drawing on theories of human development over the lifespan and just-world theory, we analyzed age-graded changes in self-esteem and their interplay with negative life events at three measurement points over a 12-year period. We addressed both the short-term and the longer term effects of single as well as multiple negative life events on changes in self-esteem (socialization effects). We further investigated whether the pre-event level of self-esteem affected the likelihood of negative life events occurring (selection effects) and, finally, whether it had protective effects in terms of helping people adjust to negative events. Latent change models yielded four main findings: (i) self-esteem increased during young adulthood; (ii) socialization effects were observed over shorter and longer timespans, but (iii) selection effects were only found for multiple negative life events, with low self-esteem predicting a high number of negative life events; (iv) high pre-event self-esteem acted as a protective factor, attenuating declines in self-esteem after experience of multiple negative life events. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology (DIPF/Orig.

    Mechatronic Coupling System for Cooperative Manufacturing with Industrial Robots

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    Rising product variants and shortened product life cycles require more flexible and universally utilizable production systems and machines. Consequently, it can be expected that the importance of industrial robots in production will continuously increase, due to their suitability to take over the role of a universal production machine. However, robots are not yet able to fulfill this role. Industrial use of robots has so far been limited mainly to simple transport and handling tasks in the context of human-robot collaboration as well as highly repetitive automated tasks in the context of manufacturing and assembly. For universal use, robots must be capable to perform more demanding tasks in manufacturing with higher requirements on mechanical stiffness and accuracy. Therefore, this paper presents a mechatronic system to couple two robots to a parallel kinematic system to temporarily increase the mechanical stiffness. The coupled state of the robots allows load sharing, higher process forces and eventually higher precision. The overall goal is to enable robots to perform more demanding manufacturing tasks and thus to be utilized in a wider range of applications. Design requirements, the development approach and optimization methods of the first coupling module prototype will be presented and discussed. The next development steps, a future demonstration system and possible use cases for the coupling module will be shown in the outlook